Natural gas sales

PJSC “MC “UKRNAFTOBURINNYA” offers gas of its own production at the Sakhalin field. To participate in the auction, it is required to get accreditation. To get it, the documents, in accordance with the List and templates available on the website, must be sent to the e-mail:

Key terms of natural gas supply:

Gas parameters correspond to the parameters of the general flow in the gas transportation system of Ukraine. Fins the rules for holding and participating in auctions below.

Key terms of natural gas sales:

1. 100% prepayment within the period established by the auction.

2. The natural gas is billed in units of 1000 m3 (one thousand m3), reduced to standard conditions: t = 20°C, P = 101.325 kPa (760 mm Hg) and zero humidity.

3. The period of natural gas transfer is established by the terms of the relevant auction.

4. The gas is transferred in equal batches during the entire period of the transfer.

5. The natural gas is transferred at gas transfer points, a virtual trading point (VTP) of the main gas line system of the GTS Operator, or in a natural gas storage (hereinafter – gas storage) of the Gas Storage Operator.

6. The transfer of Gas is made based on the trade notices sent by the Seller in the information platform of the GTS Operator/Gas Storage Operator in accordance with the procedure and terms stipulated by the GTS Code/Gas Storage Code. The Buyer, in accordance with the procedure and terms stipulated by the GTS Code/Gas Storage Code, must confirm the following trade notifications of the Seller to the GTS Operator/Gas Storage Operator.

7. Trade notices for the transfer of Gas in each gas day must be submitted by the Parties to the GTS Operator/Gas Storage Operator no later than 1pm of the gas day.

8. Natural gas is delivered 7 days a week, including weekends and holidays.

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